Frozen Friday

“Ice-cream is exquisite. What a pity it isn’t illegal.” 
― Voltaire


It’s 11 April and Frozen Friday! Today we make Chocolate Ice Cream!


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Before you start, turn on the music to get you into the groove:

  • Plumb – Chocolate and Ice Cream
  • Sarah McLachlan – Ice Cream
  • Chris Barber – Ice Cream

Have you put on the music? Then here is what you need:  😉 Handy 190

3 egg yolks

1 egg

2 tablespoons of sugar

120 g of chocolate

50 g of grated chocolate

250 g of cream


Put the egg, egg yolks and the sugar into a mixing bowl and beat it until it is frothy. Beat the cream separately. Now melt the chocolate. The best way is to put hot water into a pot, heat it, but do not let it boil. Chop the chocolate and put it into, for example, a small ceramic bowl. Put the bowl into the pot. The chocolate melts now. You can use any chocolate you like! Now add the lukewarm chocolate to the egg-and-sugar-mix and stir it in. Fold in the cream and add some grated chocolate. Put the ice cream into a bowl that can be put into a freezer. The ice cream must be frozen for at least 4 hours. Take it out of the freezer ca 15 minutes before you want to eat it, so that it can defrost slightly.


3 Eigelb

1 Ei

2 EL Zucker

120 g Schokolade

50 g Schokoladenraspel

250 g Schlagsahne


Gebe das Eigelb, Ei und den Zucker in eine Rührschüssel und rühre die Zutaten schaumig. Schlage die Sahne in einer separaten Schüssel. Lass die Schokolade im Wasserbad schmelzen. Am besten füllst du heißes Wasser in einen Kochtopf, erhitzt das Wasser, aber lässt es nicht kochen. Nun zerhacke die Schokolade, fülle sie in, zum Beispiel, ein Keramikschälchen, und stelle dieses in den Topf. Die Schokolade schmilzt nun. Du kannst jede Schokolade verwenden, die dir gut schmeckt! Rühre die Schokolade in das Ei-Zucker-Gemisch und hebe anschließend die Sahne und die Schokoladenraspeln unter. Nun fülle das Eis in einen gefriergeeigneten Behälter und stelle es mindestens für 4 Stunden in den Gefrierschrank. Bevor du das Eis servierst, lass es ca. 15 Minuten bei Zimmertemperatur antauen!

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Did you know that ice cream was known already in the 4th century B.C.? Later the Roman Emperor Nero, for example, ordered ice from the mountains and combined it with fruit toppings.

The English name “ice cream” comes from “iced cream” and was first used by the American colonists. It was similar to “iced tea” and was later abbreviated to “ice cream”. The first Ice Cream Parlor opened in America in 1776, in New York. And in Britain they sold ice cream at least as early as 1774.

If you want to know more about the history of ice cream, click here!

I found the recipe here!